A rubber tile is a hard-wearing flooring material; composed principally of natural or synthetic rubber with a filler of clay and fibrous talc or asbestos; usually set in mastic over a wood or concrete sub-floor.
Rubber flooring provides a soft, comfortable walking surface, and is easier to clean than a carpet.
Rubber flooring is a very versatile meaning it able to adapt well anywhere.
Features and Benefits of Rubber flooring.
Low maintenance
Acts as shock absorbent material
Water resistant
Chemical resistant
Burn resistant
Slip resistant
Disadvantages of Rubber Flooring
Hard to clean
Slippery if it has been polished.
Can be stained.
Irritating odor when still new.
Dull finish.
If you considering Rubber flooring then you in the right place.
We at East African Flooring,have expertise in Rubber flooring.Offering quality and affordable services for all our clients.
For more information please contact us on:-
Telephone: 0202001038, Mobile: 0774299636
Email: info@eastafricanflooring.co.ke
Website: www.eastafricanflooring.co.ke
Article by:- Imelda Atieno
From this blog, I now know, that tiling isn't limited to construction. Love to see these tiles became canvas for expression and art. With caulk or painting pigment they can be turned into a canvas the same with the common painting.rubber tile