Coating are essentials in industrial flooring, it is no doubt just how important it it to have that attractive coating on the floor rather than paint.
It is becoming popular just how critical it is that all industrial coating has a different shade to it. Industrial flooring is now becoming not just a flooring but an aesthetic place.
Paints have always been preferred but did you know that there are some types of industrial flooring coating that are good to look at.
Some of the colorful industrial floor coatings that are better than paints are:-
Epoxy floor coatings are a two-part system in which a resin and a hardener are combined. The resulting chemical reaction creates an extremely hard and durable surface that won’t chip away or peel like paint may. Epoxy resin comes in a wide variety of colors, and can be applied in any combination to create images and patterns or to indicate traffic flow.
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If you’re looking for a floor coating design that is purely decorative, there are multi color epoxy floor coatings to choose from as well. Options include coatings with a metallic sheen, marble patterns or tiny quartz crystals.
Polished concrete with dye has a number of benefits including increased hardness, easy maintenance and general affordability. Polishing is actually a mechanical process done to the surface of your floor, not simply an applied coating. Concrete can be polished to an almost glass-like shine if desired, and the floor can be stained with dye ahead of time to further beautify your facility.
Custom solutions-if one needs detailed striping work that will require the use of colored tape, certain floor coatings will provide a better grip so that the tape won’t peel up or discolor the floor.
Brighten the area up by using colorful coating that are attractive and of quality.It might a food industry or warehouse, they all look are candidates of a colorful coating.
For more details about industrial flooring and to get our esteemed services please contact us:-
Telephone: 0202001038, Mobile: 0774299636
Article by:- Imelda Atieno